Send, Convert, Repeat: Delight your audience in every email​

​ Go from unread to subscribed. And from manual to automated with the #1 intuitive email marketing and marketing automation platform.​

Trusted by small and big businesses worldwide

Unlimited Email Campaigns / Sents
Email Marketing Automation
Landing Pages
Subscription Forms
SMTP Server
Transactional Emails
Account Manager

Stay flexible—pay monthly, cancel anytime

Save 15% automatically—pay twice a year

Save 20% automatically—pay once a year

$7 $9
Per month
Create your free account

Email marketing

Minimize the effort, maximize the engagement

Craft emails that don’t just get opened, but drive revenue. Hook your audience with dynamic content and AI-powered suggestions. And let your brand stand out with fully customizable templates.​

Email marketing automation

Set (and forget) automated marketing campaigns​

Let smart automations work for you and focus on the leads coming through. Put repetitive tasks on autopilot, re-engage your audience with triggered emails, and create customer journeys that convert.​

Turn visitors into connections​

Capture leads with advanced growth tools. And access all the data you need to personalize your communication.​

Subscription forms

Know your customers first. Engage them next.

Simple, but not simplistic, forms to gather customer info and preferences. With the right data in place, craft targeted messages to the right audience, at the right time.

Landing pages

Walk your audience through the entire customer journey​

Build stunning landing pages with ready-made templates and generate leads without breaking a sweat.​

We design, you customize​

Browse our growing library of 100+ professionally-designed templates, pick the one that matches your goal, and add your brand’s elements to make it yours. ​

Our badges of honor

Got a favorite tool?

Moosend has an integration for that! Connect all your apps and get your job done without switching tabs. Zero coding required.

Join 100,000+ empowered customers

Launch your marketing journey

Take one step at a time. Grab useful resources and reach out if you need support.

Knowledge Base

Looking for a quick answer? Our rich knowledge base provides instant in-depth answers with one click.


24/7 Email Support

Have more specific questions? Reach out to our team via email and get what you need right on time.

24/5 Live Chat Support

Connect with us in real time and have any issue resolved through a dedicated live chat support agent.

Ready to get started?

Send your first campaign today.